Betty and Arthur “Art” Trumble where long-time residents of James Township in Saginaw County. Art was a bricklayer and Betty a stay-at-home mother to son Timothy. Most of the Trumble family were graduates of Swan Valley High School. Betty and Art earned their GEDs from Swan Valley and they were very proud of their accomplishments. This scholarship was established in Betty, Art, and Timothy’s memory as they wished to help others obtain a higher education – whether by earning an undergraduate degree or Career and Technical Education (CTE) training.
• Minimum 3.0 GPA
• Graduating senior from Swan Valley High School
• Resident of Saginaw County
• Part- or full-time enrollment
• Pursuing undergraduate degree or Career and Technical Education (CTE) training (vocational)
• Financial need
Leadership (20); financial need (15); extracurricular/school activities (15); community service (10); work experience (10); essay on career goals (10); interview (10)
Evaluation Criteria