July 26, 2012

Michael R. Gall Memorial Scholarship


Michael Gall exists in a sly smile. The one on his face as he ran out for a “dewski.” That sneaky grin he would flash as he pointed at you and told you one of his master plans. The curl of his lips as he sped down a winter halfpipe or labored over his tools in the garage. Michael will always be remembered Just the thought of him makes all those who loved him return that sly smile. 


Behind that smirk was a young man who cared deeply for all those he knew. To his friends he was wholly devoted: for whom he was their star drummer. Michael’s belief in God led him to annual summer church retreats at Camp Barakel where he could be found sharp-shooting on the rifle range and winning marksmanship medals. He was a faithful paper carrier – speeding in and out of driveways on his super-charged “Go-Ped.” He also was a loving and original best friend to his two brothers and the family dog, “The Coco.” Above all else was Michael’s ability to make you laugh or to encourage you to follow him anywhere.


It was in the winter of 2002, Michael’s sophomore year at Heritage High School, when we lost him and his good friend, Jordan Draper, on a ski trip in northern Michigan. They were laughing, smiling and “living.” The loss of Michael has left an enormous hole in every place that he has touched and that he will never be able to touch again. It is the hope of Michael’s family, HHS students, HHS staff and his numerous friends that this memorial will help others to remember his unique character and his smile that has always conveyed so much. 



● Minimum 2.5 GPA ● Heritage High School senior ● Pursuing an undergraduate degree or Career and Techincal Education (CTE) training (skilled trade/vocation) ● Full-time enrollment  


Evaluation Criteria

Financial need (30); overall involvement in work, school and community activities (30); essay (20); leadership (15); recommendations (5).