September 6, 2012

Saginaw Community Foundation – Collaborative Scholarship

The Saginaw Community Foundation (SCF) established the SCF Collaborative Scholarships in 2006 as a collaboration of tributes to individuals and organizations. This 2007 scholarship is made possible, in-part by the generosity of our donors and in memory/tribute of the following: Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Austin, Sr., Dorothy and Robert Blue, Shamonica Brown, Zoetta Davis, C.K. Eddy Memorial Fund, Joseph M. Godard, Kanika Goodman, Michael Jeffers Memorial Fund, Parker Thomas Miller, Burris and Kathie Smith, and Carman “Cart” Washburn.



● 2.0 minimum GPA ● Saginaw County resident ● High school or college student ● Pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, or associates degree or Career and Techincal Education (CTE) training (skilled trade/vocation) ● Attend a Michigan college or university, unless an out-of state school is necessary for a specialized field of study ● Part- or Full-time enrollment     




Evaluation Criteria

To be determined annually.