September 6, 2012

Saginaw County Lawyers’ Auxiliary Scholarship

The Saginaw County Lawyers’ Auxiliary was founded in 1955. Its purpose is to promote the interests of the Saginaw County Bar Association and to encourage law-related activities that contribute to community progress and improvements.


The Saginaw County Lawyers’ Auxiliary Scholarship has been established to benefit a Saginaw County resident pursuing an education in the field of law.




● Minimum 2.5 GPA ● Saginaw County resident ● Pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in any law-related field of study, such as paralegal, legal assistant, legal secretary, court reporter, and criminal justice ● Attending a Michigan college or university ● Part- or full-time enrollment  


Evaluation Criteria

Commitment to law-related studies as demonstrated in the essay (25); scholastic record (15); honors (10); community activities (10); recommendations (20); extracurricular activities (10) citizenship and leadership (10).